A Warm Fellowship of Believers in a Country Setting





6350 Kannah Creek Road - Whitewater, Colorado 81527

Services on Sunday at 10:00 AM


Home - Beliefs - A?4U - Leadership  - Matthew - Habakkuk
- Acts - Daniel  - 1 Corinthians - Jonah  - Jude - Malachi - Hell - James
- Ten Commandments - Esther - Great Texts of the Bible - Hebrews

- Gospel of Judas - The Feasts of Israel - Gospel of John -  Nehemiah
1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians - Angels, the Good and the Bad - Ruth
Philippians - The Holy Spirit - Book of Job - Galatians - 1 Peter - 2 Peter -



FIRST JOHN - Today we move to a new study in the New Testament. We are looking at the book or letter John the Apostle wrote to the church of Asia about 90 AD. The occasion was that the Church of Jesus Christ was being inundated
with false teachers. They were coming from Judaism, Gnosticism, and Docetism. A deadly combination that
was confusing Christians, and drawing away the newly converted untaught believers. John decided that believers needed a good dose of truth, given like a surgeon's knife that sharply and swiftly cuts away disease and poison.
 Join me as we go through John's three letters, which God placed in our bibles for all to read, know and comprehend.
John speaks on how believers are to be defended from the deceitful voices of darkness,
 which still in varied form, ply the waters of professing Christianity.

SECOND JOHN - This 2nd letter begins with a personal note to an unnamed woman and her children. It most likely was a Christian family that maintained a "house Church" in her home. All John's letters reflect his concern for the inroads Satan had made in Christian circles with false teachers and their false and evil teaching. This letter is a plea to maintain godly "separation" from them in hospitality as well as friendships. This was seriously necessary for the believers of John's day and for ours too, as Satan can deeply inflict his lies and deceit in spiritually fertile minds.

THIRD JOHN - At the near close of the first century, Christianity had been around for almost 75 years. Satan had much time to produce his false teachers and infiltrate them into the "House Churches," all across the Roman empire. These emissaries of Satan,  had made considerable progress, although as the Lord said: "... I will build my Church, and all the powers of Hell will not conquer it." (Matt. 16:18 NLT) So John writes to a personal friend, Gaius, probably an elder in the church and instructs him to be sure to gather together the true believers, and avoid the ones who are in rebellion to Christ. 3 John is a short book/letter/epistle in the bible, but it's still filled with the 'voice of God' speaking to us.


                                                                                                                             Audio  - YouTube - Rumble*

                         (03/03/24)  #01 -"An Introduction to 1 John"              Listen
                          to Preaching       
        (03/10/24)  #02 -"Christ is God or Nothing!"  (1 John 1-2)            Listen
                          to Preaching       
      (03/17/24)  #03 -"Discerning the Work of God"  (1 John 3)            Listen
                          to Preaching       
   (03/24/24)  #04 -"Testing Spirits and Serving Saints"  (1 John 4)     Listen
                          to Preaching       
                  (03/31/24)  -"Three Choices at Easter"  (Acts 17:16-34)       Listen
                          to Preaching       
(04/07/24)  #05 -"The Particulars of the Christian Life" (1 John 5)      Listen
                          to Preaching      
(04/14/24)  #01 -"The Call to Faithfulness and Obedience" (2 John)   Listen
                          to Preaching      
         (04/21/24)  #01 -
"Christian comparisons and Advice"
(3 John)   Listen
                          to Preaching      





























                                                  * RUMBLE.COM is a good alternate media outlet. It can be accessed simply
                       at "rumble.com," or you can download the ROKU, FIRESTICK, APPLE TV, or CHROMECAST apps
                                      for easy Smart TV access, or go directly, each week, by clicking on our broadcast links above.
Our actual Channel at the RUMBLE website is:  "Rumble.com/AHFHN." Or go to 'Youtube.com,' by just typing
in "A House For His Name." Enjoy!

* * * * *


All Rights Reserved - "A House for His Name" of Whitewater, Colorado. Updated 04/21/24