A Warm Fellowship of Believers in a Country Setting





6350 Kannah Creek Road - Whitewater, Colorado 81527

Services on Sunday at 10:00 AM






Home - Beliefs - A?4U - Leadership  - Matthew - Revelation - Habakkuk
- Acts - Daniel  - 1 Corinthians - Jonah  - Jude - Malachi - Hell - James
- Ten Commandments - Esther - Great Texts of the Bible - Hebrews

- Gospel of Judas - The Feasts of Israel - Gospel of John - Nehemiah
1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians - Angels, the Good and the Bad - Ruth
- The Twelve Apostles -
Philippians - The Holy Spirit - Book of Job

The following men are the appointed leaders of our Church. As we are a smaller church, these men serve multiple capacities. Each has his special talents, and biblical gifts, and and all have a compelling dedication to love and serve the living God, our Lord Jesus Christ at "A HOUSE FOR HIS NAME." If you would like to contact any of them, listed below are their names and available email addresses.

Bob Hemberger -bobh100846@mail.com
Steve Taylor - steve@ahfhn.org
Bob Dahl - bobbydb4@gmail.com

 Feel free to contact any of us and we'll be glad to answer any questions or give helpful information..




All Rights Reserved -  "A House for His Name" of Whitewater, Colorado Updated 062020