A Warm Fellowship of Believers in a Country Setting
6350 Kannah Creek Road - Whitewater, Colorado 81527
Services on Sunday at 10:00 AM
Please be advised although the internet page will reflect each Sunday's message, the actual video messages
will not appear until the following day, that the specific Sunday preached.
However, the audio messages usually appear late Sunday afternoon.
Home - Beliefs - A?4U - Leadership - Matthew - Revelation - Habakkuk
- Acts - Daniel - 1 Corinthians - Jonah - Jude - Malachi - Hell - James
- Ten Commandments - Esther - Great Texts of the Bible - Hebrews
- Gospel of Judas - The Feasts of Israel - Gospel of John - Nehemiah
- 1 Thessalonians - 2 Thessalonians - Angels, the Good and the Bad - Ruth
- The Twelve Apostles - Philippians - The Holy Spirit - Book of JobThanks for your interest in "A House For His Name" in Whitewater, CO
We are a group of "empty nesters", who are seriously committed believers in Jesus Christ. We meet on a
weekly basis in our "country" Church facility to practice our faith, worship the Lord and find service to Him.
We are fundamental and non-charismatic in beliefs, and if you need to categorize us we are simply bible-believing people gathered together to do God's will and learn of His Word.If you are just starting your spiritual journey, or inquisitive about it,
please follow the A?4U link above.
If you are interested in visiting or being a part of our group, please contact one of our leaders at,
(info@ahfhn.org) who will respond and answer any questions you might have, or just come
visit us any Sunday at 10:00 am.
Listen to audio of message, or watch a FULL video, "free,"
of any of the Sunday Morning Messages.Dennis Finnan, (pastor of 40+ years experience) -- is our Sunday Morning Speaker
Click "MP3" "AUDIO" button below for immediate audio listening
of messages or click on "VIDEO" button to watch our
"INTERNET" version on YouTube.comTo listen to older message series, click "Book Names Above"
THE FEASTS OF ISRAELAfter finishing an apologetic defensive look at the Bible, we go to the Old Testament to look at a series of events in the life of the nation of Israel. God had called out of fallen humanity, Abraham’s descendants. And, right at the beginning of their “new” existence as children of God, Yahweh established a calendar of spiritual events and direction known as “THE FEASTS OF ISRAEL.” God gave Israel a special calendar that would point them to the promised Messiah’s coming, establish His identity, and mark God’s plans for eternity. Thus, it actually would tell the future. So here is a series of studies on this fantastic insert in the Bible.
Audio Video
#01 - "An Introduction to the Feasts"![]()
#02 - "Dating, Passover & Unleavened Bread"![]()
#03 - "The Feast of Firstfruits and Pentecost"![]()
#04 - "The Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement"![]()
#05 - "The Feast of Tabernacles and Latter Day"![]()
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All Rights Reserved - "A House for His Name" of Whitewater, Colorado Updated 10/11/20